Sydney Banks’ Published Works

Welcome. You have just reached the official information source for the books people all over the world are talking about. Here are some readers’ comments.
“You’ll never underestimate the wisdom of an ordinary person again. The Enlightened Gardener is one of the most important books you’ll ever read. I recommend it highly.”
– Richard Carlson, Ph.D.
Author of the #1 Bestseller Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.
“Sydney Banks’ new story offers hope for so many who have lost sight of the present and don’t seem to know that the answers they seek lie within themselves. Through an understanding of the Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought, each of us has the capacity to change our lives and find lasting happiness. It is up to us to be open to this change. By all means, read this new book and pay attention not only to the words, but to the feeling behind the words.”
– Robert M. D’Alessandri, former VP for Health Sciences,
Dean of the School of Medicine, West Virginia University
Sydney Banks’ books have the power to change lives. We’ve all heard statements like that before; but in this case we are talking about profound changes in the lives of all kinds of people, ranging from ordinary, happy and successful individuals, to those living in the worst of situations. These gentle books have profoundly moved the most unlikely variety of readers, from Fortune 500 executives and political leaders, to law enforcement professionals and single moms, to heroin users, gang kids and prison inmates. Regardless of their condition when they encounter these books, they all have something in common: almost without exception, they experience deep insights into themselves, followed by rapid, positive changes in their lives. Read any of these books and you will find yourself on a magical, mystical journey into the unknown, where all things are possible, where your true self rises above the fray, and hope and happiness are your birthright.